
My name is Austin Urton, I was born in Oklahoma with a mother that loved to capture memories. My mother introduced me to cameras at a very early age. She is a scrapbooker so her camera was taken everywhere and had photos of everyone. My family loves to tell everyone they introduce me to, that when I was a kid I would say "I am never going to take photos of my family when I grow up". Now I have a degree in photography arts/journalism and 10 years of photography experiences all thanks to my mom with her camera at every event and day to day errands. 

My photography adventure from hating it to loving it started when I was a freshman in high school taking a dark room class because my mom kind of forced me to. The first time I rolled my film, developed, and printed my own photos I was hooked. The teacher saw I had the "Photographers eye" she enrolled me in to school’s yearbook and newspaper. I won some photography awards and kind of started Urton Photography. Went to college first studying engineering then switching to photography. I won multiple awards from the college and from online contest. 

My photography style comes a lot from my mom. My mom loves the standard scrapbooking photos but what I learned from that was she loved to capture that moment and to preserve it. She would tell a story with her scrapbooks by the photos and the writing. My way of photography is trying to tell the story with no words. Trying to captivate the "reader" by my photos.